Created in partnership with the Florida Department of Education and the Division of Early Learning, the UF Lastinger Center for Learning’s Emergent Literacy Micro-Credentials are available at no cost to Florida childcare personnel in an effort to create accessible and on-demand reading professional development. They give childcare personnel an opportunity to work at their own pace while implementing new instructional strategies in real-time and receiving individualized feedback and one-on-one support from an assessor.
A $1,000 stipend is available for Early Childhood Personnel* upon completion of the Emergent or Elementary Micro-Credential. School Readiness (SR) childcare personnel are defined in ss. 1002.88(1)(e) and 402.302(3), F.S.; and VPK instructors are defined in ss. 1002.55, 1002.61, and 1002.63, F.S.
Please be aware that as of July 2024, learners may only receive a stipend for one Literacy Micro-Credential. Learners who complete multiple Literacy Micro-Credentials will NOT receive multiple stipends. For more information please visit our website.